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The Top Twitter Feeds in Education Policy

Without question, Twitter has become a hotspot for education-related tips, tricks, and talks. Just search any of the hashtags #EdTalks, #EdChat, or even #TeacherProblems and you're instantly connected to a network of passionate educators sharing their experiences and insights into the education world. From nonprofits to everyday teachers, here are a few accounts we like to follow.

1. @EducatorsRising

An inspiring organization run by education professionals, Educators Rising provides young adults in high school, college, and beyond mentorship and guidance to help them become successful teachers. They also hold an annual conference that involves networking opportunities, lots of brainstorming, and even competitions.

2. @NicholasFerroni

This renowned educator/HuffPost writer/all-around incredible life-changer has the perfect Twitter bio: "As a kid, I wanted to be a superhero, psychologist, philanthropist, philosopher, actor and comedian… So I became a teacher."

3. @Caitlin_Tucker

Author of the book, Blended Learning in Action: A Practical Guide Toward Sustainable Change, Tucker shares blended learning and technology tips, cool teaching resources, and more on her constantly updated Twitter feed.

4. @hhschiaravalli

Arthur Chiaravalli recently sparked attention by educators across the country for his article series,The 5 Best Reasons for Going Gradeless. One of the main things found on his account is #TG2chat, where other "Teachers Going Gradeless" hold weekly Twitter discussions on their progress with the project.

5. @girlswhocode

Girls Who Code is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring young girls with the skills and role models they need to succeed in the technology and computing fields. The stories they share are very cool, and, of course, motivational.

6. @danbrownteacher

CEO of Educators Rising, Brown focuses on getting students involved in teaching and education as young as possible. With quite a large following in the social media world, he's always sharing ways to actively engage students and even grants them open teaching experiences as young as high school.

Trauma-informed professional development courses

7. @weareteachers

This team shares really fun, helpful articles that every teacher can relate to. Their bio reads "We offer ideas, inspiration, & information for your best days & double that for your hard ones. Supporting kids means supporting educators, always." Love that.

8. @ShellTerrell

An international speaker and founder of Ed Speakers Co-Op and EdChat, Sanchez Terrell is another powerhouse educator looking into positive ways technology can change learning. She frequents education panels on how to bring digital learning into the classroom.

9. @isteconnects

ISTE strives to create a more impactful environment in educational settings through the use of technology. Their annual conference brings teachers in technology together, with events ranging from keynote speakers to sessions on fighting for funding in education.

10. @boredteachers

Now for your light-hearted account. Bored Teachers shows the struggles, mistakes, and human moments that come with being a teacher of any grade level. Memes, true stories, articles… keep an eye on their stream for a good laugh when you need one!

Happy Twittering! And while you're at it, follow us on Twitter, too!

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