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How Cold is Too Cold to Wear a Dress

What to Pack & Wear for Different Winter Climates (10°C, 0°C, -0°C)

Our guide to packing smart and staying warm - no matter the temperature.

Packing for winter can be tricky territory - especially if it's your first time, or if you're unsure of what exactly to pack.

Rather than stuffing your luggage with a random assortment of cable-knit sweaters and coats, it's always helpful to search up the kind of temperatures you're dealing before you start packing. This helps you narrow down to how 'warm' you should pack - after all, there is a difference between what you should wear at 10°C vs. 0°C!

Packing key pieces you can layer with is key to staying warm despite the plunging temperatures and chilly winds. To make things a little easier for you, we've put together a guide of what to pack to keep you warm and toasty for whatever winter temperatures you're faced with.

For 10 to 15°C Degrees

Good news: these temperatures are a somewhat milder form of winter - though it can feel a little cold if you're not used to it and aren't suitably dressed. At 10°C, you can afford to pull off your trendy minimal outerwear like a parka, biker jacket or leather jacket. You can also get away with wearing your favourite shirt and jeans or dress combo, so long as you layer it with some form of outerwear.

What to Pack

Tops (for Layering): Shirts, Hoodies, Dresses
Lightweight Outerwear: Leather jackets, Biker jackets, Parkas, Pea Coats
Bottoms: Jeans, Trousers, Skirts Shoes: Sneakers, Boots
Accessories: A light scarf *optional

For Temperatures Between 0 °C  and 5°C Degrees

As temperatures drop into the single digits, forget your lightweight tops; instead, pack in thicker sweaters, jumpers, and turtlenecks to keep you extra warm underneath your coat. Choosing the right fabrics (like knits, cashmere, wool) is also as important as what you layer. For extra warmth, we recommend wearing your thermal underwear beneath to keep you extra toasty.

Give your parkas or biker jackets a miss and replace them with thicker and warmer options like a puffer coat, wrap-style overcoat, or even a down jacket. A chunky snood or infinity scarf and a wooly beanie go a long way in keep your face and ears warm against the chilly winds. You might also find that your fingers feel extra sensitive to the biting temperatures. If so, opt for coats with deep front pockets to keep your fingers warm, or pack in a trusty pair of touchscreen-friendly gloves.

What to Pack

Outerwear: Padded or Puffer Coat, Overcoats (Trench Coats, Fur or Faux Fur Coats etc.), Down Jackets
Tops: Sweaters, Jumpers, Turtlenecks
Bottoms: Jeans, Trousers
Thermal Underwear: Long-sleeved thermal top, Thermal leggings (at least one of each to layer underneath your jeans or sweaters for extra warmth)
Accessories: Beanies, Berets, Touchscreen-Friendly Gloves, Scarves, Socks

Pro-tip: Always pick a longer, slightly oversized coat that lets you get away with wearing plenty of layers underneath. If where you're traveling to rains often, opt for a waterproof jacket so you don't have to pack in an additional rain jacket.

For Temperatures Below -0°C

Once the weather starts to reach freezing point, look for 'heavy duty' double-layered and hooded down jackets. Choosing the right type of fabric for both your inner and outerwear is also of utmost importance. For sub-zero temperatures, fleece lining, down, wool, and even polyester-blends should be your go-to options.

Always ensure your outerwear is waterproof - everything from your jacket and bottoms to your gloves and shoes. Trust us when we say we learnt it the hard way: wet clothes in the cold (whether it's from the snow or rain) makes for an unpleasantly chilly experience - and even result in hypothermia, in extreme situations. Always wear a beanie, earmuffs and bundle up with a scarf at all times too!

What to Pack

Outerwear: Double-layered hooded down jackets (Preferably waterproof)
Tops: Sweaters, Jumpers, Turtlenecks
Bottoms: Pants, Leggings (Preferably waterproof) Thermal underwear
Accessories: Beanies, Ear Muffs, Scarves, Thick Socks (bring multiple pairs to layer, if need be), Heat pads (for extra warmth!)
Waterproof winter boots (with a good grip and insulated lining)

Other Useful Tips to Know


What Bag Should You Carry Around Everyday?

Just like any holiday, your bag should be big enough for your daily travel necessities (phone, cash, hotel keys, camera.) Also avoid bags with open flaps, and always carry your bag facing the front to avoid being an easy target for pickpockets. If it's forecasted to be snowing or raining, choose a waterproof bag instead!

Skincare is Key

The plunging temperatures and winter winds are unfortunately harsh on your skin. Without the right skincare, you'll find your skin feeling cracked, taut and uncomfortably dry, and your lips chapped. To avoid this, we recommend bringing the following: a cleansing oil or balm (to remove makeup), a gentle cleanser, a rich moisturiser (to use both as a day and night cream), lip balm, a body butter or lotion, and lastly, sunscreen. For extra nourishment, pack in a skincare oil to keep your skin plump and hydrated.

Pro-tip: Always bring your chapstick and a travel-sized lotion around daily!

Lastly, don't forget your meds!

You might experience trouble adjusting to the cold (especially if you're a winter first-timer) and risk falling ill. This is not uncommon, so come prepared with flu, cold and fever pills. Antihistamines and vitamin C pills are also a great option to stay healthy and keep your immune systems up. Also make sure you stay constantly hydrated!

Happy travels and stay warm! And if all else fails, there's always that corner pub or bar you can cosy up in with a pint of beer or vino for extra warmth...


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